26 June 2017

Animals and Society Research Chair at the Rey Juan Carlos University

Dingonatura supporting the role of animals in society

The Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid University (URJC) has been offering the Research Chair “Animals and Society” for a year, and Dingonatura has been supporting it since its creation.

The goal of this Research Chair is to develop activities that allow to spread the principles of animal wellbeing and to raise awareness of the important role played by pet animals, as well as the need of eradicating animal abuse.

The creation of this research chair comes as a result of 12 years of prior work in teaching and animal wellbeing awareness, and it has been materialized in a multidisciplinary team that develops diverse works where animals can have an influence, whether it is direct or through their empathy during education (bullying, general violence, assisted therapy and a long etcetera).  

Nuria Máximo Bocanegra, doctor and tenured lecturer at URJC, is the coordinator of this research chair, and we invite you to learn firsthand more details about the activities they carry out, as well as their next project: the conference “Educación en la empatía de los animales como estrategia de prevención en el bulling escolar” (Training in animal empathy as a strategy for school bullying prevention), within the URJC summer courses that are about to start.

 Nuria Máximo’s interview in the blog 20 minutos